Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Help! Coping With Heartbreak Hurts....ALot

Sound advice for coping with heartbreak pain is basically pretty nonexistent. When you think you finally found "The One" and they break your heart, figuring out how to deal with that hole in your heart is hard to handle.

People frequently have the mistaken notion they CAN handle heartache after their twosome tears apart.

But, frankly it's more like going through a grieving process when the love of your life leaves you with this enormous emptiness and sorrow in your heart. Though it seems hopelessly uphill, you'll be better off to somehow push past the pain and take deliberate steps to hold yourself together.

Here are practical techniques you can use today for getting over and coping with your heartbreak.

Are you so sick of being down in the dumps you can't wait any longer? Get a mentor for immediate help out of the pain at coping with heartbreak!

Why Is Coping With Heartbreak So Hard?
The break up was a shock, but the hurt you feel is excruciatingly real! Coping with heartbreak is far more difficult when you think you have absolutely no one to turn to for help and solace to get through it.
Flying solo to handle getting over a broken heart at first can seem downright discouraging and hijack your hopes for healing. That is....until you realize the number of people who suffer a broken relationship and go on to talk about it.
Your loss is agonizing now, but you WILL make it through. Let those heartstrings go. Turn to coping with your heartbreak in healthier and more positive ways.
Why IS this SO hard?
Your mind may have you convinced nobody else understands how much heartache hurts or has suffered such gutwrenching anguish. At this point, it's crucial to acknowledge 'yes' you ARE heartsick and hurting. Then, take a big step forward by giving yourself permission to heal.
Want instant relief? Use the Fast Forward Technique at
Your 1st Step In Coping With Heartbreak - Dealing With Your Healing
Right away start dealing directly with your painful heartache. Stop fixating on the split.
Let go...admittedly it's NOT that easy. Actually it's darn hard letting go of loving someone. Your dreams are wrapped up into that relationship. Naturally, you want to hang on to them.
But, right now it's vital you take a wrecking ball to obsessing over breaking up. Continuing to ponder the past is working directly against any efforts in coping with heartbreak and healing.
Don't think of this as giving up. What matters most now is working on YOU!
Ignite your healing by pushing yourself beyond this lost love affair. Turn toward moving forward. Energize your thinking ahead. Let someone new be delivered into your life. Fight the impulse to pour everything into dealing and coping with heartbreak over this love you lost. It may strike you as unconventional. Actually it's sound sage advice.
Gazing ahead distracts you from what happened. Your wounded hopes and past love are shoved where they should be--behind you! Until you decide to face letting go of the past, your mind won't be open to building a new future. That means your vibe will slam the door on anyone else coming into your life.
Open the door and move forward from getting over heartbreak.
Forget About Coping, Have A Change Of Heart
Give Your Heart A Holiday and Leave the Baggage At Home...
No doubt you've run across dozens of crazy claims for getting over a break up. Frankly, there's no super secret spell or speech to go back and change it. As much as you may want to, you can't. Instead, using a sound sensible strategy you CAN get on a powerful path for not only coping with heartache, but ditching your doubts about the future.
"I'm ready to heal, how can I do that"?
To put it bluntly, ditch the doldrums. Immediately immerse your energy in a new direction! First, get working on radically rebuilding your social life. Spend lots more time than usual hanging out with your friends.
You really can use their comfort and support. This deliberate diversion gives your heart and mind a holiday from this emotional rollercoaster. Your attitude comes from your thoughts, so fix your focus on the "good stuff" in your life. You've got to have other people around you to help change what's on your mind right now!
Hey, these are people who will love helping you and won't pity you.
Every one of them has likely lost love and felt the hurt. Don't blow them off. Spend time with people who care about you. Give'em a chance to support you. They can hold you upright and in the game plan away from sadness.
Need more tips to tackle how to forget about coping with heartbreak? guides you through to the other side when you're ready.
Finally Your Day To Kick Coping With Heartbreak To The Curb!
This game plan isn't complete till you take a day to 'cleanse' those heartstrings. Set aside an entire day (only one) and indulge in letting loose with every emotion stewing inside...cry, scream, wail, watch sad love movies. Do whatever sends those pent up frustrations flying...and then QUIT!
Proclaim an end to this rollercoaster of emotions. Vow not to allow yourself to fall back into the mine of melancholy. This is your one day to cleanse and declare closure. You have ceremoniously kicked this coping with heartbreak business to the curb where it belongs! Don't forget who you are and respect that. Center your sights on renewing and re-energizing who YOU are.
Don't stop here. That's not all. Get more of the solutions not just for coping with heartbreak but heal the hurt, too.
If you feel uncertain you can do this on your own, turn to for a blueprint to walk you through exactly how to recover and get in a frame of mind to assess your true feelings about your ex.

How Will Any Of This Help You Cope With Heartbreak?
It's tough to know what's bad and what's good in love relationships. This advice was put together so you will:-Think Before You DO Anything-Seek Out Your Friends Often-Find The Strength To Apply Everything Here-And Hang Onto Your Dreams To Seize Another Chance At Love!
Find More Of The Coping With Heartbreak Story...
I'll admit I was frustrated and looking for some realistic options to get OUT of this Heartbreak Hell that was consuming my life. I finally found step by step guidance that gave me advice that was much more sound, although unconventional in its methods, than the wealth of wishy-washy plans out there. You'll find some of it in my later posts.
If....after....all this you are still convinced you genuinely love this person,
there is a first step vital in how to win your love back. But, only venture forward if this is what you truly want for your future.

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